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Training & Education

In today’s fast-paced world, prioritising mental well-being is crucial, and our training programmes are tailored to empower individuals with the knowledge and skills necessary to navigate mental health challenges effectively.

The EIC Trading Company offers an exciting range of training programmes. Our courses are available via our online learning platform and are designed to equip learners with essential skills for navigating mental health challenges.

You can sign up as an individual by registering HERE and pay as you go.

If you are a business we offer bespoke packages which gives you a customised learning management system (LMS). You have all the EIC courses on, you can add your own course and manage your users. Giving you a complete solution for your employee training. Our LMS has the capability to integrate with your existing systems.

As well as the LMS platform we can also offer bespoke in person or virtual training sessions.

Bespoke sessions can be facilitated on request and are tailored to your requirements. Sessions we have ran in the past included; navigating bereavement for managers, menopause awareness, inclusion and diversity within the workplace, suicide loss including suicidal thoughts and having challenging conversations and neurodiversity awareness within the workplace.

If your business is interested in any of our training packages and would like to know more, please contact us

Mental Health Awareness

Upon completing the “Mental Health Awareness” course, participants will be able to:

  • Gain a comprehensive understanding of mental health and its importance
  • Recognise common mental health disorders and their symptoms
  • Reduce stigma around mental health by promoting open and respectful conversations
  • Provide basic support and guidance to individuals struggling with mental health challenges
  • Advocate for creating a more mentally healthy workplace and community

Mental Health Awareness
for Apprentices

Upon completing the “Mental Health Awareness” course, participants will be able to:

  • Understand the significance of mental health in personal and professional development
  • Identify signs of mental health struggles in themselves and their peers
  • Access resources and strategies to manage stress and promote mental well-being
  • Support a stigma-free environment by engaging in open discussions about mental health
  • Demonstrate empathy and active listening skills when assisting peers facing mental health challenges

Managing Stress
in the Workplace

Upon completing the “Managing Stress in the Workplace” course, participants will be able to:

  • Identify common sources and signs of workplace stress
  • Understand the impact of stress on personal well-being and job performance
  • Apply practical strategies to manage and cope with stress effectively
  • Create a healthier and more productive work environment by implementing stress-reduction techniques
  • Support colleagues and team members in managing their stress levels

Stress Awareness for Managers

Upon completing the “Managing Stress for Managers” course, participants will be able to::

  • Recognise signs of stress among team members
  • Understand the role of leadership in mitigating stress within the team
  • Implement strategies to reduce stress levels and foster a supportive work environment
  • Effectively communicate and provide resources to support team members in managing stress
  • Demonstrate empathy and understanding towards employees’ well-being

Mental Health First Aid

Upon completing the “Mental Health First Aid” course, participants will be able to:

  • Recognise common mental health issues and their symptoms
  • Provide initial assistance to individuals in mental health crisis
  • Engage in non-judgemental listening and communication to support those in need
  • Guide individuals towards professional help and resources for ongoing assistance
  • Promote a culture of understanding and empathy around mental health

Suicide Prevention First Aid

Upon completing the “Suicide First Aid” course, participants will be able to:

  • Recognise warning signs of suicidal ideation
  • Initiate a supportive conversation with individuals experiencing suicidal thoughts
  • Engage in non-judgemental listening and communication to support those in need
  • Provide immediate assistance by connecting individuals with appropriate resources and professionals
  • Foster a compassionate and non-judgemental approach to suicide prevention
  • Contribute to creating a safe and supportive environment for individuals in crisis

Wellbeing Talks

Join us each month, when our expert speakers will offer invaluable information and unique insight. The speakers will be offering their personal experiences and practical strategies absolutely free to support the overall development and well-being of our industry

Through regular attendance at the Wellbeing talks participants will:

  • Gain insights from expert speakers on various well-being topics
  • Connect with a community of individuals committed to personal growth and self-care
  • Learn practical strategies to enhance mental, emotional, and physical well-being
  • Cultivate a holistic approach to well-being by integrating seminar learnings into daily life

To sign up for the Wellbeing Talks, please register below: